Meth Addiction in Rochester, NY
Drug problems come in many forms, from legal substances like alcohol through to prescription medications and illicit street drugs. Methamphetamine is widely recognized as one of the most destructive drugs present in the United States, with this potent stimulant continually linked to a range of health and social problems. Meth addiction and abuse often requires professional treatment, including detoxification, behavioral therapy, motivational therapy, relapse prevention, and aftercare support schemes. If you know anyone on Rochester or elsewhere who is living with meth addiction, let Drug Detox Centers Rochester be your guide.
What is Meth?
Also known as methamphetamine or crystal meth, meth is a potent and highly addictive central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. Meth is a popular recreational drug in Rochester and across the United States, with people generally consuming meth to increase their energy levels, enhance their sexual performance, improve their mood, and induce euphoria. Meth abuse can lead to meth addiction over time, including increased tolerance, severe drug cravings, and the existence of an emotional-motivational withdrawal syndrome when drug use is stopped. In order to tackle meth addiction and break the bonds of dependence, a variety of treatment methods are required.
The Effects of Meth
Meth is generally taken by smoking or intravenous injection, with hard-core users often injecting the drug for a more potent effect. The physical effects of meth consumption begin almost straight away, including dilated pupils, increased physical movement, increased heart rate and breathing, agitation, sweating, and loss of appetite. Over time, additional effects may also be experienced, including teeth grinding, insomnia, anxiety, paranoia, and a temporary condition known as meth-induced psychosis. People who abuse meth on a regular basis are more likely to suffer from depression disorder and a range of anxiety-related conditions, with meth addiction also closely linked to a range of social problems such as domestic violence, crime, and an increased propensity for accidents and injuries.
The Drug Treatment Process
Drug treatment is a multi-layered process, from the early stages of crisis intervention and detoxification through to the later stages of rehabilitation and aftercare. An intervention often marks the start of this process, with direct or indirect intervention models applied depending on the extent of addiction and individual in question.
Detox marks the next phase of treatment, with medical detox and natural detox programs both widely available in Rochester. While meth and other CNS stimulants do not respond well to medication treatment, a detox period can still be used to enforce abstinence and help stabilize patients prior to rehab. In some cases, limited medications may also be applied to help treat insomnia and anxiety issues linked with the withdrawal syndrome.
Rehabilitation marks the next phase of treatment, including residential rehab, outpatient rehab, and partial hospitalization among others. While detox helps people to stop using drugs in a safe and supportive medical setting, it does nothing to address the emotional, cognitive, and environmental precursors of meth addiction.
Rehab programs are typically based on motivational, cognitive, and behavioral methods, including programs like art therapy, family therapy, moral reconation therapy, motivational incentives, mindfulness and meditation and many more. Relapse prevention techniques and systems also play an important role in the treatment process, both during rehab and on an aftercare basis. Drug Detox Centers Rochester can be your guide to recovery and is just a call away. Call to speak with one of our caring recovery advocates.